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Tips Before Buying Life Insurance

Tips Before Buying Life
- Life insurance has a function as protection when
the insured dies. The insurance company will
provide the sum assured to the people left
behind. In addition, life insurance is used to cover
the potential loss of revenue . Many people buy
life insurance when not needed and do not take
out life insurance with sum assured is sufficient if

The following is a brief description of the tip or
tips before buying life insurance:

  • 1. Persons Without Dependents and
    People who live with no dependents and do not
    need to purchase liability insurance. The reason is
    people with no dependents do not need life
    insurance protection because it does not affect
    the income of others.
  • 2. Persons Aged All Her child who Self
    Old man with all his children no longer have an
    independent obligation to another party. If the
    parent dies, the children are not harmed
    financially. What is required of parents in old age
    is not a life insurance, but large amounts of liquid
    funds. Parents at a more advanced age require
    annuity that serves to provide protection if the
    insured dies too fast. Annuity also will provide
    protection if the insured lives too long.
  • 3. Families with Children
    Families with children are very important need
    life insurance policies . The smaller the age of the
    child in a family, then the longer form of
    scholarship support to insurance until they reach
    college. It could be that most people think that
    they keep saving for education is adequate, but
    the savings would be stalled when family income
    that sustains the savings fund formation stopped.
  • 4. Families who've Retirement
    Insurance agents usually recommend that those
    who are already retired purchasing a life
    insurance policy, so that if one of the spouse dies
    can still get support from the insurance fund.
    However, there is a different opinion, that the
    actions of the insurance agent is less true.
    When one member retired and have no income
    from the main job is the need of the existence of
    sufficient funds to sustain their daily needs.
    Therefore, if the family is already cashing in
    pension cash value of the insurance policy of his
    day, these funds should be invested in a safe
    investment types such as deposits.
  • 5. Single
    For a single which is the main supporter of the
    family finances, then the family will be very
    upset when he died. A single here would require
    a life insurance policy to sustain family life.
    However, if the single does not have the financial
    responsibility of the family, the income can be
    used for the welfare of his or invest for the future
    Buying an insurance policy when he was young
    the price is cheap. However, once again it must be
    taken into account with future needs when
    compared to the amount of funds ditabungkan. If
    the savings are sufficient funds, then buy the
    policy only wasteful expenditure to mere.
  • 6. Families Without Children
    Families without children may require a life
    insurance policy, but it may not. To test these
    needs then to be asked whether the couple has
    left the financial difficulties in case the main
    financial source died. If the family members left
    behind have enough income then life insurance
    policy is not required.
    If a family member is very dependent on the
    income of the deceased, then the life insurance
    policy is indispensable. Similarly, when it turns
    out the family without children are still alive
    after a long and it turns out they still need
    additional retirement income then purchase a life
    insurance policy should also be considered by the
    family members.
  • 7. Children
    Children usually used as soft targets for
    insurance companies to sell his life insurance
    policy. Purchasing a life insurance policy for a
    child is usually not large compared to the amount
    of the sum assured for adults. However, if one
    intends to buy insurance policies for their
    scholarship when entering college then it would
    not hurt. Thus, for the purposes of funding a
    child's education will be guaranteed through an
    insurance policy.

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